- amateur gardeners
- novice composters
- greedy weed eaters (literally!)
- aspiring caterpillar whisperers
- long-haul laborers
- tilling, sowing, watering…
- …and hopeful for a harvest!
Welcome, kale sprouts! The gangly greens emerged from the soil as testimony to our latest project together: we are growing a vegetable garden.
This isn’t our first encounter with dirt. Stacy has tilled soil across states and WWOOFed to adventure on a couple of continents. (And no, WWOOFing has nothing to do with the articulations of man’s best four-legged friend.) But this time it’s different. Erin and her husband have bought a home, and we’re committed to cultivating the soil we temporarily call our own. It’s not glamorous or guaranteed success (what?! a caterpillar can eat that much kale that fast?!), but we’re preparing the ground, putting down seed, tending our sprouts, thinking long term, and learning as we go. We’ve acknowledged our amateurism, poured over resources, invited experienced friends to offer guidance…but realized that at some point it’s time to dig deep and go for it.
We are ordinary women living ordinary lives striving to cultivate well our plot of dirt.
- identical twins
- daughters
- friends
- former athletes (with a flare for active fun)
- nature lovers
- chronic students
- humble learners
- earthly sojourners
- eating, feeding, reading, dancing, playing, laughing…
- …and hopeful for a (metaphorical) harvest!
Welcome, new human life! She emerged from the womb as flesh-and-blood testimony to our latest reality: we are nurturing the next generation.
This isn’t our first encounter with a little human. Stacy has studied perinatal practices that span the ages and globe. But this time it’s different. Erin and her husband have birthed a beautiful baby girl, and we’re committed to stewarding well this life entrusted to us. It’s not glamorous or guaranteed success (what?! she still wants that much milk all night?!), but we’re nourishing her body, fertilizing her mind, tending her soul, thinking long term, and learning as we go. We’ve acknowledged our inadequacies, broached questions, probed answers, invited the wisdom of diversified voices, weighed time-honored tradition against modern convenience…but realized that at some point it’s time to dig deep and go for it.
We are ordinary women living ordinary lives striving to parent well the next generation. The future of humanity depends on it.
i am...STACY
- devoted aunt
- educator
- wordsmith
- mathematician
- amiable introvert
- self-employed entrepreneur
- avid reader, broth maker, mystery malady obtainer…
- and committed to building up the body for a lifetime!
Stacy is certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®, applying the latest laboratory testing to uncover hidden stressors in the body and identify healing opportunities. She is also a certified Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and 500-hour Ayuryoga® Instructor, equipped to conduct appropriate, individualized consultations and yoga instruction with private clients. She has additional training in Ayurvedic postpartum care, which utilizes special foods, certain meal preparations, herbal remedies, massage, and other protocols to gently nourish mother and baby in the critical six-week window following childbirth. She believes strongly in the transformative power of diet and lifestyle and desires to inspire wise stewardship in the realm of holistic health.
Prior to her formal health training, Stacy graduated summa cum laude from Bryn Mawr College with one Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and another in Spanish and four years of varsity swimming.
She then launched into a six-year stint in multipurpose electronic publishing, which—she’s prone to answer those puzzling over the relevance to her undergraduate degrees—is simply a mathematical approach to language. For fun, she biked more than 25 miles to and from work every day, rain or shine, and coached Masters swimming.
Until one day more than six years ago when she felt called to embark on a Sabbath year. So she packed up and moved on, heading West in an old, unreliable Ford for immersive training in the world’s oldest, unfathomably reliable healing system.
And she hasn’t looked back.
i am...ERIN
- doting mama and faithful wife
- encourager
- counselor
- theologian
- perennial people person
- gainfully employed church administrator
- hospitality lover, sale shopper, stroller jogger…
- and committed to satisfying the soul for a lifetime!
Erin is a full-time mom and full-time administrator at a local church in Dallas, Texas. In 2011, Erin graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Communication, eager to care for souls wherever she may be employed. Little did she know that having a baby of her own would spark a new passion to care for the tender and vulnerable souls of newborns and new mamas. She believes strongly in the transformative power of God and desires to support women spiritually along their holistic health journey.
Prior to her formal theological training, Erin graduated from Grove City College with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and minors in Sociology and Christian Ministry and culminated her college career with an NCAA All-American track title.
She then launched into a three-year stint as the housekeeper manager at a conference center, which—she’s prone to answer those puzzling over the relevance to her undergraduate degree—gave her the freedom to spiritually shepherd a multigenerational department of women. For fun, she conducted mass baking experiments in the commercial kitchen and wrote meditations on biblical wisdom inspired by Peanuts comic strips.
Until one day more than ten years ago when she felt called to embark on a cross-country road trip. So she packed up and moved on, navigating her first stick shift—an old, faithful Honda—across 9,000 miles of American soil. From it emerged a published book, Driving by Faith, and direction for the next leg of life: Dallas Seminary for immersive training in the Word of God.
And she hasn’t looked back.
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Want more? We put together a FREE guide with you in mind. Not only is it essential for pregnant women, but it’s also key for anyone desiring good health. And isn’t that all of us?