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Inspired but needing more? Stumped on how to implement personal change? Eager to move forward but have health concerns holding you back? We’d love to help you take your journey to the next level. If you are ready to learn more, schedule a free 20-minute initial consultation today.
I work with clients in all seasons of life but specialize in preconception planning and postpartum support. Undertaking a robust health-building program is essential for every couple contemplating a family, as the health of our children tomorrow depends intimately on the state of our bodies today.
Nevertheless, if you already have a family or if you are more seasoned, my services may be equally appropriate for you, as they can dispel the myth that aches, pains, nagging discomforts, and medicated syndromes are destined to escalate with age. Do you resonate?
I offer a range of services, including the following:
Preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum planning, education, and support
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® laboratory testing, results interpretation, and customized health-building protocols
Diet and lifestyle strategies to restore proper hormone balance, immune function, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and nervous system regulation
Ayurvedic consultations, education, and services
Private yoga and breathing instruction
Group classes and workshops
Emotional freedom techniques (EFT, or tapping) to address stress, pain, allergies, trauma, emotional imbalances, blocks, distractions, addictions, and much more
Transformational coaching to help clients heal the past, show up fully alive and confident in the present, and create a healthier, happier, more powerful future
To ask questions or see if we can work together, book your complimentary session here!
what is fdn?
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) is a systematic approach to restoring and maintaining bodily function by applying the latest laboratory testing. As an emerging field that bridges the gap between clinical nutrition and functional medicine, FDN provides clients with step-by-step assessments for pinpointing underlying conditions, correlating test results with health complaints and histories, and thereby validating recommendations for therapeutic protocols. These protocols are potent, proven, professional, lab-guided, drug-free, and client-mediated in order to help clients regain and maintain true health rather than chase symptoms.
More specifically, FDN seeks to identify HIDDEN malfunctions within six body systems:
H hormone balance
I immune function
D digestion
D detoxification
E energy production
N nervous system
It uses this information to engage clients in a committed relationship of behavior modification and lifestyle choices that support the body’s innate healing ability through a customized DRESS for Health Success® program, which encompasses
D diet
R rest
E exercise
S stress reduction
S supplementation
This balanced, holistic approach goes beyond the ingrained practice of purely treating physical symptoms to address root cause and as a result, yields the highest level of positive clinical outcomes.
Learn more about FDN here.
Or schedule a free 20-minute consultation.
what is ayurveda?
Ayurveda, by definition, is the science of life and longevity that emerged from India more than five thousand years ago, yet it transcends time and place. It may be the oldest medical system in the world but is still strikingly relevant today. As a personal, practical, simple science, Ayurveda recognizes each individual’s unique psychophysiological constitution and then offers therapies to bring that unique individual into balance through daily diet and lifestyle choices.
An Ayurvedic practitioner, then, guides and educates unique individuals along this path, wherever they are, seeking underlying root cause and moving toward greater holistic wellness utilizing a wide variety of tools.
Learn more about Ayurveda here.
where do fdn and ayurveda meet?
Right here! Very few practitioners are marrying the best of the East and West, the ancient and modern, the time-honored and the cutting-edge. Yet I believe both are indispensable if we are to achieve lasting wellness for generations to come.
Given my formal training in both Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and Ayurvedic medicine, I pull largely from these sciences in my health-building practice. But as a chronic student keenly interested in the uncharted territory within our own bodies, I’m also constantly learning from other aspects of Eastern medicine, Western science, primitive cultures, modern research, functional medicine, and more. All these influences—both ancient and modern—infuse my knowledge and the passion I bring to my consulting work with clients.
Book a free 20-minute session today!
Body, mind, and soul—you can't focus on one without considering them all. Erin cares deeply about helping women address mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being on their health-building journey. As a Christian, she uses the Bible as the foundation for her counsel, but she is happy to talk with women of any faith or background.
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Want more? We put together a FREE guide with you in mind. Not only is it essential for pregnant women, but it’s also key for anyone desiring good health. And isn’t that all of us?