“What should I take?” That's one of the questions we hear most frequently. While health is much more than popping pills and replacing prescription drugs with natural remedies, the question reflects a commendable desire to catalyze change: you are acknowledging the power of what you put in your body and recognizing that food alone may not be sufficient.
Unfortunately, given depleted soil, poor food quality, and rampant environment stress, that last recognition is often valid: even a conscious, well-rounded diet likely falls short of essential nutrients. That’s what we’ve begun to list some of the general supplements we recommend most often when we get this inquiry.
We’ve also started to include more specialized supplements, including herbs and oils for basic self-care plus specific seasons of life. Feel free to reach out to us personally if you are in the perinatal season, have a specific condition, or want to learn more.
Remember that while these supplements suit most people, not all health advice is appropriate for everyone; seek the counsel of your local health professional before embarking on any regimen. Or for more specific supplement recommendations tailored to your unique concerns, constitution, and goals, please connect with us directly.
general supplements
Nutreince: The Multivitamin Reinvented
Given widespread micronutrient deficiencies, a quality multi is important. We love this vitamin/mineral/antioxidant formulation from Calton Nutrition. Appropriate for adults, children, pregnant and nursing women, athletes, seniors, people with chronic conditions, and more, Nutreince is a suitable addition to any stage of life. It is based on well-substantiated research, free of GMOs and allergens, and superiorly efficacious given the use of bioactive forms of different vitamins and minerals in divided doses—while most supplements use cheap synthetics in combinations that interfere with absorption. Nutreince is available in different flavors. The unflavored/unsweetened is the most versatile; you can always add some of your own flavored stevia drops or food-grade essential oils to taste if you like, making sure to avoid other sweeteners. Nevertheless, some do prefer the flavored options, particularly the citrus/tropical and vanilla/chocolate. Whatever the flavor, simply mix the AM packet in water and drink at least 20 minutes before breakfast; mix the PM packet in water and drink at least 20 minutes before dinner. You can also combine the multivitamin with a healthy fat and readily absorbed amino acids (see collagen next) into a convenient shake for a midmorning or midafternoon pick-me-up.
Perfect Supplements Hydrolyzed Collagen
While homemade bone broth is time-honored nutritional medicine revered the world over, sometimes you need a quicker alternative. Enter hydrolyzed collagen. With a similar amino acid profile in a convenient powdered form, collagen provides the essential building blocks for helping the body restore proper function. Collagen not only heals the intestinal lining (compromised in most modern dwellers) but also supports skin, hair, tendons, cartilage, bones, muscles, joints, metabolism, detoxification, brain function, sleep, and more. Since amino acids are critical in all body functions, collagen can be a great adjunct to many protocols. Simply add a scoop to teas, smoothies, soups, stews, sauces, or whatever you’re eating or preparing for your family; it’s flavorless and dissolves in both hot and cold liquids. Gelatin has a very similar nutritional profile to collagen but gels in cold liquids, making it handy for thickening sauces, stews, custards, homemade gummies, and more. Like a quality multi, collagen features prominently throughout the life cycle, but especially in purposeful preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting.
Rosita Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil
Here’s yet another supplement safe for the whole family! Cod liver oil long held a respected place in the preconception, pregnancy, and childhood medicine arsenal and has recently seen a resurgence. Synergistically combining essential vitamins A and D with omega-3 fatty acids in a whole-food form, cod liver oil supports the immune system, neurological health and brain development, strong bones and teeth, proper fetal development, detoxification and protection from environmental toxicants, fertility and the reproductive system, mood balance, and more. Given the dangers of contaminated waters, farmed fish, and mercury toxicity, it is extremely important to source high-quality fish and fish oil supplements. Seek reputable companies with transparent quality control; Rosita cod liver oil, for example, is raw and unrefined with thorough safety testing. While liquids (and powders and any supplements that you can taste) are preferred for the way they activate digestion, coupled with the fact that they’re usually more economical than capsules, for folks adverse to the taste of cod liver oil, Rosita also offers softgels.
Fullscript: Online Dispensary through Practitioners Only
The supplement industry is a bit of a free-for-all, making it hard to know where to turn and what to reach for when it comes to health and wellness. With private clients, Stacy tries to calm that sea of confusion by providing straightforward recommendations from reputable companies. Private clients have access to Stacy’s online dispensary, where they can order products and supplements from various brands, including practitioner-only brands, directly and easily. And it comes with definite perks: a 10 percent discount on all products, free shipping on orders over $49, and the assurance of supplements vetted and approved by professionals. Remember, though, that we never advocate therapeutic supplementation without consulting a practitioner to determine appropriate products and dosage.
Herbs and oils
Banyan Botanicals
Banyan Botanicals is our go-to source for Ayurvedic herbs, oils, and products. Banyan offers certified organic, sustainably sourced, fairly traded, and rigorously tested traditional herbs and preparations that have emerged from the millennia-old healing tradition of Ayurveda. We often have shatavari, vidari, and anantamula around for supporting women in the perinatal period. When nourishing new mothers, we stock postpartum staples like cumin, coriander, fennel, fenugreek, ginger, pippali, chitrak, tulsi, dashamula, and ashwagandha bala oil. For everyday folks desiring to harness the benefits of warm oil self-massage, Banyan has a variety of herb-infused oils.
Mountain Rose Herbs
With a wider selection of Western herbs, Mountain Rose Herbs is another essential resource for plant medicine and natural wellness support. Mountain Rose has a comprehensive line of herbs and spices, plus teas, tinctures, massage oils, essential oils, body care products, and other herbal miscellany. For perinatal support, we especially favor nettle, oatstraw, and red raspberry. Even if you aren’t seeking medicinal herbs, you may find that Mountain Rose’s culinary offerings, particularly the bulk spices, save you money in the long run. Plus, their dedication to organic practices, sustainable agriculture, energy efficiency, fair trade, and transparent sourcing leaves us confident that our purchases contribute to healthier soils, waters, and people for generations to come.
WishGarden Herbal Remedies
Pregnant with the sniffles? Colicky infant? Toddler got an ear infection? Pregnancy, nursing, and early childhood present unique challenges when it comes to caring for common ailments like colds, coughs, congestion, digestive distress, and other immune compromise: on the one hand, you want relief, but on the other, you want to steer clear of unsafe medications or questionable herbal preparations. Enter WishGarden Herbal Remedies! As a woman-owned, family-run, community-conscious business dedicated to bringing effective medicinal botanicals to the public, WishGarden devotes whole product lines to pregnancy and children. These formulations are designed to meet the unique demands of these seasons while satisfying rigorous safety standards. We especially like the kids line—suitable for infants, toddlers, and nursing mamas—including Kick-it Immune for threatening germs, Cold Seasons for respiratory distress, and the Ear-Be-Well 2-Pack for those pesky earaches.
Like what you see?
Want more? We put together a FREE guide with you in mind. Not only is it essential for pregnant women, but it’s also key for anyone desiring good health. And isn’t that all of us?
Last updated December 17, 2017 • This page contains affiliate links. Click here to learn more about our affiliate policy.