I would be ashamed to admit to the Indians [in the South American jungle] that where I come from the women do not feel themselves capable of raising children until they read the instructions written in a book by a strange man.
—Jean Liedloff, The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost, footnote to page 18
Childbearing and childrearing can be daunting prospects for the modern family. We seek out authorities and answers and advice—and rightfully so. After all, education is a commendable catalyst for change. Yet, are we overlooking a vital complement to cognition—namely, our God-given human instinct? How often do we subvert our own parental intuition for the advice of the baby book du jour or the popular trends among our cohorts? The latter may in fact be helpful—but intuition has an esteemed place in this P2P conversation. How are you nurturing yours?
(And if you want a little help for nurturing that intuition in the childrearing realm, The Continuum Concept is a highly recommended, quick and compelling read.)
While only you can personally cultivate your parental instincts, we can provide resources—albeit from some “strange” men and women!—to help you along the way. And in fact, that’s just what we’ve been working on. Check out the new Resources section of the P2P website.
For now, we’ve included only a short book list: 17 titles that span the preconception to parenting spectrum. (Yes, we’re turning the page—literally—in our site’s evolution.) We’ll gradually add more titles and resources, and you’ll be the first to know if you join our family.
But keep today’s quip in mind: books, even from the most respected thinkers in the field, are never a substitute for personal thought. Instead, these titles are designed to spur you on to greater awareness and empowerment—namely, to help fulfill our mission of fostering purposeful, perceptive, peaceful, and proactive P2P experiences. Many of these titles are rooted in age-old wisdom and universally applicable truths, and most, far from esoteric, are accessible to anyone, though some do have extensive notes and bibliographies should you choose to delve deeper.
So check out the Resources page for 17 books to guide your P2P journey. In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating that page with a few additions in a different category—stay tuned for which one!
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