I think women need to be taught how to trust themselves. Essentially, we need to unlearn everything we’ve learned about birth, in movies and in the horror stories we’ve heard, so that we can step out of our own way and let our bodies do what our bodies are actually fully prepared to do.”
—Dr. Aviva Romm, midwife and Yale-trained MD, in the Happy Healthy Child video series, directed and produced by Sarah Kamrath
How does that quote strike you?
Whether we have personally experienced pregnancy and childbirth or not, we all have notions about them. What has shaped yours?
Enter Sarah, a researcher and filmmaker with a vision akin to ours here at P2P. She
- recognizes that children’s health and happiness depends on their prenatal care, the manner in which they enter this world, and their earliest life experiences
- celebrates that pregnancy and birthing carry a profound gift of helping a woman realize her intrinsic potential and power
- desires to impart invaluable information to help children and families thrive
So she spent years traveling and interviewing world-renowned experts in the field. And she’s sharing that with all of us…
For free!
Starting next Tuesday, November 1, she’s offering a free online screening of her acclaimed Happy Healthy Child video series. For 12 days, you’ll have access to 30+ of the world’s leading experts in pregnancy, birth, and early parenting. They share up-to-date scientific information to help you
- feel confident that you know what’s best for you and your baby—despite all the conflicting advice
- relinquish fear and anxiety about birth or your role as a parent
- steer clear of unwanted and unnecessary interventions and learn how to protect yourself and your baby from the major pitfalls of modern maternity care
- create an empowered vision for your pregnancy, birthing experience, and early weeks and months of parenthood
- uncover a deep trust for nature’s design in these extraordinary life events
- encourage others toward these goals even if you are not birthing children yourself
It’s like a birth class with the world’s leading teachers and medical professionals—all from the comfort of your own home. SIGN UP HERE!
Whether you are
- pregnant
- trying to conceive
- hoping to have children someday
- recalling a difficult past pregnancy or birth
- or somehow involved with children and young families
this series has the potential to reshape the way we envision and actualize birth and the entire perinatal period.
We at P2P will be watching the Happy Healthy Child next week.
How about you?
Will you join this worldwide revolution of women reclaiming their birthright to have empowering pregnancies and births—and giving children a peaceful welcome into this world?
SIGN UP and share with friends, family, and health practitioners. Or better yet, consider watching together to initiate dialogue in your immediate community.
Those of you who know us well know we don’t “watch” much—television shows, popular movies…no, thanks! But the occasional educational series with generational repercussions? Yes, please!
So don't miss it! The Happy Healthy Child online viewing lasts only 12 days. And remember, it’s entirely free!
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Want more? We put together a FREE guide with you in mind. Not only is it essential for pregnant women, but it’s also key for anyone desiring good health. And isn’t that all of us?