Information + Support = Healthy, Empowered Families
—Carla Atherton, Healthy Family Formula
That’s an equation that really adds up.
In fact, it’s the strategy behind Carla Atherton’s Healthy Family Formula (HFF), and for the next month we’re collaborating with Carla in a big way.
Check out the much-anticipated HFF Holiday Giveaway, where we’re teaming up with other practitioners to offer $1000s worth of family- and health-related products and services.
Part of our mission is to make education and health-building resources accessible to all.
Sometimes, however, you need a personal helping hand, and we know that customized health plans can get prohibitively expensive.
So we’re giving away one of our most popular packages—more than $800 in functional hormone testing and one-on-one services!
And we’re only one among many. Join us, dozens of other practitioners, and tens of thousands of health-conscious individuals and families in the HFF Holiday Giveaway, where health professionals are gifting attendees with some of their favorite life-changing products and services.
What is the HFF Holiday Giveaway? It’s an online event where attendees are showered with gifts throughout the holiday season, gifts that are relevant to the health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social—of the whole family—mom, dad, aunt, uncle, child, teen, grandparent, caregiver, and more. What better gift could you receive than the gift of health? In fact, it is the gift that will keep on giving for the rest of your life!
The gifts will start flowing on December 19, 2016—that’s Monday! And they won’t stop until January 15, 2017, with special raffle days on December 31, January 1, January 14, and January 15. But your membership to the Healthy Family Formula will get you gifts all year long.
All you have to do is register for the HFF, and you get access to free gifts, plus the opportunity to enter our raffle and others.
Why join the Healthy Family Formula?
- Free giveaways like this one.
- Access to a member’s hub loaded with a library of materials on every topic imaginable from children’s health, chronic illness, everyday ailments, patient empowerment, parenting, stress relief, family health, and general wellness to specific health topics like autoimmunity, fertility, nutrition, and more. The resources are expanding every day!
- Regular updates containing new materials, resources, tips, cutting-edge research, and connections.
- Inspiration, empowerment, and access to a growing community of people like you who are on a mission to elevate the health of themselves and their families.
Plus, you get the chance to win our raffle, which we’re pretty excited about!
Why enter our raffle?
Would you like to ring in the new year with a renewed commitment to a healthier you? We’re here to help!
We’re offering—FREE to one lucky raffle winner—our popular hormone-balancing package, valued over $800. This includes a Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) from innovative laboratory Precision Analytical, plus a complete one-on-one intake session, thorough test results interpretation, and customized recommendations. All this can be accomplished over e-mail, phone, and Skype, so don’t let geography deter you from entering! Get access to the HFF Holiday Giveaway today.
Are you…
- a few months—or even years—from childbirth but still not quite yourself?
- out of touch with your pre-baby body, energy, and equilibrium?
- seeking personalized strategies to prevent—or reverse—medical conditions?
- convinced that your health needs an overhaul but uncertain where to begin?
- tired of always putting your own needs on the back burner and ready to thrive in 2017?
Wherever you are on your health journey, functional hormone testing can provide clues into bodily imbalance. And what’s more, these clues then offer a roadmap for correcting imbalance—and restoring proper function. Enter today for your chance to invite better balance into your life this coming year!
Get in on the giveaway!
Don’t miss this opportunity to win $1000s worth of free products and services not only from us at P2P but also from other practitioners around the globe.
Make sure you sign up before the end of the year to participate in the first round of raffles and before January 14 for your chance at our package, “Hello, Hormone Balance: A New You for the New Year.”
Even if you don’t win a big-ticket item, each participating practitioner is giving away free resources to guide you and your family into a healthier new year. So you won’t go away empty-handed.
’Tis the season for giving, and we’re thrilled to join in! Will you join us?
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Want more? We put together a FREE guide with you in mind. Not only is it essential for pregnant women, but it’s also key for anyone desiring good health. And isn’t that all of us?