It sounds a little odd, but to help keep yourself on track during the holidays (or any time of year, for that matter), try adopting the mind-set of a pregnant woman. A woman who’s pregnant has no problem avoiding alcohol or other things that are harmful to her because she knows that they’re not good for the baby either. Whether pregnant or not, all women should feel that same protective, maternal, self-prioritizing energy when it comes to their hormones. So think about which things will nourish your hormones and which will harm them.
—Alisa Vitti, WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source, page 193
So how’d you do?
The holidays are notorious for lavish partaking and unrestrained imbibing, but now that they’re over, it might be time to take stock. Did you eat and drink to nourish yourself—and your hormones—as tenderly and carefully as though you were nourishing a baby? Sometimes we care for others better than we do ourselves, but I’d like to invite all of you—women and men—to steward your body like the gift it is.
We at P2P have gifts and hormones on our mind as we welcome 2017. That’s partly because we’re gifting—FREE to one lucky raffle winner—our popular health-building package, valued over $800: “Hello, Hormone Balance: A New You for the New Year.” Have you grabbed your ticket to win?
Christmas is over, but in the spirit of the season, we’re set on giving more.
If you didn’t see our update last month, you missed out. Because in just a few days—on January 14, to be exact—we’re raffling off more than $800 in functional hormone testing and one-on-one services. Not only that, but a handful of other select practitioners are sharing their favorite resources as well.
Are you…
- a few months—or even years—from childbirth but still not quite yourself?
- out of touch with your pre-baby body, energy, and equilibrium?
- seeking personalized strategies to prevent—or reverse—medical conditions?
- convinced that your health needs an overhaul but uncertain where to begin?
- tired of always putting your own needs on the back burner and ready to thrive in 2017?
Wherever you are on your health journey, functional hormone testing can provide clues into bodily imbalance. And what’s more, these clues then offer a roadmap for correcting imbalance—and restoring proper function.
That's why we’re offering—FREE to one lucky raffle winner—our popular hormone-balancing package, valued over $800. This includes a Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) from innovative laboratory Precision Analytical, plus a complete one-on-one intake session, thorough test results interpretation, and customized recommendations. All this can be accomplished over e-mail, phone, and Skype, so don’t let geography deter you from entering.
Get in on the action and get motivated for a healthier new you in the new year.
Even if you don’t win our raffle (or any of the other big-ticket prizes), we at P2P have lots in store for the new year. So invite your friends and join us on this journey—the fun has just begun!
Happy New Year from Preparing to Parent, where together we are "Growing Families with Purpose…on Purpose."
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